Olena Zelenska: War is harming global mental health — even for people living in safety

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The column with the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, was published on the World Economic Forum website. The key topic of the article is dealing with the effects of war on mental health. How are citizens supported in Ukraine? According to the First Lady, the answer can be found in the All-Ukrainian Mental Health Programme ‘How Are U?’, which helps and teaches self-help methods to Ukrainians. The interview was based on data from an international study among 11 countries on the relevance of mental health commissioned by the Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen Global Platform. 

This topic is not only among the five biggest challenges of today but will also remain a problem in five or even twenty years. More than half of the people in countries that have not suffered from global conflicts still face emotions that prevent them from coping with everyday life.

“Conflict’s impact on mental health is like radiation. No borders or distances can protect against the “contamination of war” and the anxiety, uncertainty and phobias it sparks. If bombs fall anywhere in the world, no one feels safe. In this sense, the world has proved to be more global on the issue of mental health than even economic crises — inflation does not spread as quickly as stress seeps across borders,” says Olena Zelenska.

Stopping aggression and aggressors at the start is the most effective way to improve the mental well-being of all people, emphasizes the First Lady of Ukraine.
Find the full text of the interview at the link.

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